Friday, June 23, 2006

You've got a lure I can't deny

In the past, I've often fallen for friends of mine. I've found that the better I get to know guys, the more I like them. And sometimes that translates into feeling something more on my end. I think that all relationships are based on a certain level of attraction, so I've never really been surprised by this. But really aside from one isolated case, the attraction that I've felt towards my male friends has never been acted on. Yet despite this, it's usually where a lot of my relationship energy is focused.

The past week has reminded me that it's the attraction that takes hold of you unexpectedly and is often unexplainable that is more successful and exciting for me. I'm sure that most people would say the same, but perhaps it's the fact that it's not the kind of thing that you can really seek out per se that causes such surprise when it happens. Miraculously, things just fall into place and suddenly there's this new person to get to know and enjoy.

In my last post I mentioned that I was negotiating a new boy situation, which as you can probably tell by this post, is going well. Sax and I had known each other before, though not very well, and hadn't seen one another or spoken for a few years. When we ended up back at the same place this summer, things escalated quite quickly. Although the practical and analytical side of me often resists these types of things, I've found that when the spark is there, you just have to give in and go with it. And oh my, have there been a lot of sparks. ;-)

Neither one of us is going to be in the same place in 5 weeks, but for now I just want to luxuriate in this feeling.

Those around me have already noticed my mood change, as I was told yesterday that I had an "impish smile" on my face. Why yes, I believe I did...and for good reason.


Anonymous said...

I love it when I have that look... :)

Anonymous said...

you'll get respect in this