Friday, August 25, 2006

Drip drop a lovely dream

For some reason last night, my subconscious decided to pull out a lovely man to "play" with. I had a dream about a guy who ended up being one of the final two guys on the Bachelorette a few years back. Yes, my name is BC and I watch bad reality shows.

Moving along. Anyway, in my dream he wanted to date me. Now, I don't usually go for blondes...but I loved this guy when he was on the show. Meredith didn't pick him, because she's crazy.

I might be crazy too, but I enjoyed the dream even though it was PG. Here's a picture. I decided to restrain myself from picking one of the shirtless, towel pictures...but you should check out his website if you like what you see. ;-) Here's hoping for more dreams like that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are slipping. this guy is merely ok.
