On Friday night I drove to my parent's house. They were leaving town with my brother for Disney World, so I went home to collect the dog. I have the pleasure of taking care of her this week. I'm super excited. That's her in the picture above, obviously. She's the sweetest thing ever. I can't wait until I can get a dog of my own!
I hadn't intended to stay all weekend, but once my family left, I decided that it would be nice to have the house to myself for a few days. I had a few offers for Saturday night, but sometimes I just revel in being alone. I made some good food, did some grading, and watched more of the Sopranos. It was heavenly.
I've also been reading a book that CK gave me during my last trip to Boston - Mars and Venus on a Date. It's by the same guy who wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I don't normally read books like these, but I've been enjoying it. For one, it's really nice to read something for myself, rather than be under pressure to finish something for a class. I've got a whole stack of books waiting for me. As for insights, the book suggests that women are too quick to start wanting to give back to their partners, to make them happy. John Gray argues, that women should continue to receive rather than do things for the man - men like feeling like they can make women happy, and if she graciously receives and shows her appreciation, that's all the return he needs. Hmm, that's news to me.
I need to do some more grading. Until next time--
1 comment:
B! For some reason all your updated posts just showed up in my Google Reader (so sorry I didn't respond to them earlier). I am really happy you are reading the book and I hope you find some of the "tips" helpful (even though it clearly all needs to be taken with a grain of salt). I thought it was really silly when the book was given to me...but I took some of the advice to heart and it really has helped me in my relationships! I look forward to discussing your thoughts about the book after you read more of it. :o) I'll call you soon. I miss you!!!!!! I hope your week is going well. -CK
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