Sunday, September 03, 2006

Scrub, scrub, scrub

Ooh boy. I cleaned for 8hrs today, and there is still more to do.

My parents came over to help me, and my roommate left the apartment...which doesn't seem fair since he's the one who has been living here for 2yrs. The place is as dirty as it is because he doesn't clean; I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he didn't feel like pitching in.

My step dad was in a mood so he didn't end up helping either. After an hour they hit the road for home. There went my visions of family banter and joyful cleaning. I was already exhausted when they left, but I knew that I had to keep scrubbing away. I felt like Cinderella without the singing mice and prince charming.

The place looks a lot better though - we'll see how long it stays that way. I know I'm going to need some help staying on top of it though.

This weekend hasn't been all work, but I've got plenty of that to get to for class. On Friday night I went over to see my friend, Blue Eyes. She just got married so she's having a fun time in their new apartment with their snazzy new gadgets and things. She made a good dinner and some tasty drinks, and we ate the brownies I brought over while watching a movie. It was relaxing and fun.

Last night I went to a small party and had more yummy food and drinks. It's good to get out again. I should start getting out and prowling for men though - the ones emailing me on Myspace and Friendster still aren't all that appetizing. Sorry boys.

Tonight I'm staying in to do some work and keep watching episodes of the Sopranos. I've never watched the show religiously, so I started at the beginning. Yay for blockbuster...and yay for 3-day weekends.


NotCharlotte said...

Ugh... some of the men on myspace are horrid!

If they write me a message with single letters instead of words and insane misspellings, I write them back with corrections. haha I'm so mean.

Anyway, I'm glad you read our blog and I hope you get a little entertainment out of it ;-)

Lady B said...

That is mean, but I love it. :-P

NotCarrie said...

I'm about to start Season 2 of The Sopranos.

Lady B said...

I just finished Season 2 today. I watched it way too quickly. Must comment on papers...not watch Sopranos. :-P

Anonymous said...

Once you finish the Sopranos, I highly recommend Weeds.

K said...

Cleaning is in the air---I'm attacking my closet these days, and losing the battle...