Saturday, October 07, 2006

Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway

This week I

- taught 8 classes, all of which seemed unproductive.

- ate too many bagels, all of which were good.

- had a student get a little too close in a conference.

- went to dinner with my roommate.

- drove home for my Mom's birthday. We spent the day eating, shopping, and watched a movie.

- went to the Apple store twice and didn't buy the iMac I am salivating over.

- had a great conversation with my step dad about my pedagogical frustrations.

- watched the Mets win games 1 & 2.

- avoided Persistent guy. He called me 3 times last Saturday and emailed me tonight.

- watched Grey's Anatomy and enjoyed every second of it.

- went to the eye doctor for an exam (finally!)

- picked out new glasses. They're spiffy, but I won't have them for a few days.

- had my pupils dilated.

- finished watching Season 5 of the Sopranos.

- graded 15 papers; 13 of which were graded today. I have 50 left. Oy.

- popped a lot of ibuprofen.

- called Vixen to tell her I will buy her a ticket to come visit me.

- took myself on a date to see Little Miss Sunshine.

didn't blog enough.

The end.

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