Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Hey baby, what's your sign?

My horoscope for today read:

There's absolutely nothing like the company of kindred spirits - as you well know. Thanks to the earthy, permanence-loving mood the heavens are in - and their inspiration to put you in a similar frame of mind - you'll have an insatiable urge to connect with like-minded others for something you know you can only get from them: camaraderie. There's also a distinct possibility that you'll come into contact with someone who'll end up being far more than just a friend. Wear red.

It was a pretty typical day. I did some laundry, ran a few errands, met with a student, and then waited for Vixen at the cafe on campus. I was putting my splenda in my coffee when I heard a male voice say, "Hi B!" I turned to see Physics guy.

Physics guy is someone I met at work last semester. One day I saw him lingering at the back of the room after his shift was over. He seemed like he was doing the whole "I look occupied but am really just waiting to talk to you" thing.

From that point on we had quite a few conversations, and I even convinced him to buy a PowerBook. Right before Winter Break, we met for coffee and I helped him with his new computer (I never thought I was going to use my computer knowledge to pick up a guy). We had a weird encounter when E came to meet up with me. She strategically tried to give us some alone time, but when she came back from the bathroom he was still there. Shortly after that, the most awkward goodbye in history took place.

Anyhoo. I haven't seen him face to face since. We work different shifts this semester, and we lost track of one another. I thought he might have a gf anyway, because he used to be on Friendster and it said "in a relationship." He was cute, but I let it go.

Until today.

I wore red like my horoscope told me I should. Then there he was, sneaking up on me as I prepared my coffee. He said, "I've been meaning to email you to see how you are." We chatted for a bit and he followed me to my table with his salad. A bit later Vixen and E showed up. I introduced him to Vixen, and he remembered E. E said, "Yeah, I stalk B." Physics guy replied with, "Me too." Vixen chimed in with, Well, I sort of do too." Haha. I am loved...in that flattering, but creepy kind of way. Kidding!

We all chatted for a bit. I think we probably scared him with our English major banter. He excused himself for a meeting and said, "Maybe I'll stop by to see you at work."

Hrmmmm. Sweet.

I like cute boys.

I like cute boys who are flirty even better.

Maybe the gf never existed or is now off the radar. Yay for possibilities. In this case, I'd love it if the horoscope were true.

As for the rest of it, camaraderie was on the menu for this evening. Vixen, E, and I gathered for the last episode of the Bachelor.

In other news, I leave for the Czech Republic very very soon. I have a ton to do before then. I'm kind of freaking out about getting it all done, but I'm really excited. Enigma rented an apartment for a few days for our trip to Budapest. I'm glad that he was a good boy and made plans for my visit; Inquisitor really made me nervous.

Sadly, I'm not sure if I will be able to post when I'm over there...but I will do my best.

Ciao for now.

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