Thursday, February 23, 2006


I had a shitty, shitty day. It started out badly, and until I went to Harry's to meet CK for drinks, it pretty much continued on that note. I don't really want to talk about it. But one of the weirdest moments happened when Vixen and I were on the T to Cambridge for our MIT class. We were discussing our reading for the class, which was a bunch of articles about infertility, one of which was about China. Suddenly a Chinese woman (I'm presuming she was Chinese) came up to us and said "You talking bad about China?" Caught off-guard I responded, "No, we're talking about reading for a class of ours." She shook her head and exited the train. We felt really badly but didn't know what more to say.

But anyway, I just wanted to share something humorous from this evening's outing to Harry's. CK and I had had fun as usual, but were tickled by the fact that our waiter walked past our table at 3 inopportune moments this evening. As he passed by, he heard the following: "Beat off." "Cut or flabby." "Gay."

And there's nothing more I have to say about that. :-)

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