Thursday, February 22, 2007

I got lucky

Dirty readers.

That's not the kind of lucky I'm talking about (or at least writing about).

This morning I rolled over a few times, thinking somewhere in the back of my mind that it was light outside.

But I didn't bother to look at the time since my alarm hadn't gone off.

When I finally decided to take a peak at the alarm clock, I saw a 7. Then a 3. Then a 6.


7:36?! F*ck. I teach at 8am.

Somehow, I was up, dressed, brushed, and in my car by 7:46.

Nothing like complete panic to get you out the door.

I drove to campus and parked illegally in the parking lot across from the building where I teach. I have a campus permit, but not for that lot. I decided it was better to take my chances.

I was in the building by 7:58.

I was amazed.

Luckily I had the foresight to email my lecture notes to myself the night before, and I was able to pull them up and print them out within the computer classroom I teach in.

I muddled through the lecture in my 8am class (I hate days when I actually have to teach grammar), and was more on my game by the second class.

I rushed over to the parking lot so that I could move my car, praying that I wouldn't have a parking ticket.

At first, I thought I was in the clear, but then I saw the slip of paper under my wiper.


It was a parking citation, but it was only a warning!

They didn't charge me anything since I do have a permit and have no previous citations.

Oh boy did I get lucky.

How I managed to not only get to campus on time looking somewhat respectable, teach two classes, and not get a parking ticket despite having parked illegally, I don't know.

The biggest offense is that I'm wearing a sweater when it's 70 some degrees outside.

But I can live with that.

Here's hoping the luck fairy continues to shine on me today as I finish putting together the teaching portfolio (due tomorrow) that is going to determine whether or not I get to keep my job.

But then again, I guess I need more than luck for that (though it never hurts).


Unknown said...

Whew--that's some great luck you're having! :o) I hope it keeps deserve it! Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Buena Suerte! You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen, chick. Let's not pretend you won't have many other reasons to be late in the mornings in the near future. (diggin' the double negative there?)

Anonymous said...

Sunshine: Thanks, I did turn it in. I felt relatively good about the final product.

Other Laura: I can always count on you to call me on my sh*t.