Monday, February 12, 2007

He has plans

So much happened in the course of one date yesterday. All of a sudden I'm on the relationship train, and to be honest, I'm surprised.

I don't know what I thought was going to happen with all of this business, but I realize now that I hadn't mentally prepared myself for the possibility that I might actually meet someone I would like to have a "relationship" with. I know what you're thinking..."That's the whole point, yes?" Yes. Sure. I guess since things didn't work out the first time I tried it, I didn't go in with high expectations. I'm being quite serious when I say that what has been fun about this whole process so far has been that I haven't had high expectations. I haven't been nervous before going on my dates, because I didn't feel like I stood to lose very much. At the very least, I knew I'd meet some new, interesting men and hopefully have some fun along the way.

At the rate things were going, I was optimistic. I thought that one of them was bound to strike me more than the others. What I hadn't thought, I guess, is that things would ignite as quickly as they have with TK.

But that's where my predictions falter.

Because things are moving quickly.

Within the first few minutes of our marathon date yesterday, TK told me he had missed me. He told me that his friends and family had grilled him for details, making sure that he had plans to do something else with me.

Both starving, we ate our lunches relatively quickly. We talked briefly about the other dates we've had through match. I didn't elaborate too much on mine, but I said I had met a few guys. He had met a few girls as well, but said that he hadn't liked them as much as he liked me.

At this point, I was reeling from his honesty. I'm not used to men being so straightforward about their feelings. Last week Lauraley pointed out to me that I'm not bothered by TK's affections for me because I like him back. Whereas with the Inspector, I wanted to bolt.

After asking for permission (again) to kiss me in the parking lot, the rest of the day proceeded more naturally.

We bowled three games, the first of which I kicked his butt. I bowled a 170 to his 83. So much for promising not to beat him too badly. In all honesty, once I was on a roll, I had to see it through. I'm too competitive not to. He took it relatively well.

I was surprised by how affectionate he was with me in the bowling alley. Almost every other trip back from the lane, he kissed or hugged me. I'm sure it was gross to the bystanders. It didn't feel forced though. I find my comfort level with PDAs being defined by the partner; I've been less affectionate with some boyfriends and more with others.

Not wanting to end the date yet, we opted for a movie. Before reaching for my hand, he told me that he had wanted to hold it on our last date, but he had been too nervous.

It's odd for a man to be this honest, yes?

We went back to his apartment for a bit after the movie. He loses points on the state of his apartment: furniture, tidiness, small bed. My first thought was, "Yes. We will spend our time staying at my place."

We each had a brownie, and I made him watch a segment on Obama on 60 Minutes.

Cue makeout session.

Enter hickey.

I am 25yrs old, and I have my first hickey.

I have been marked.

Charming, I'm sure. I totally broke out the turtleneck sweater today.

Anyhow, the 2 and 1/2 hrs I spent at his apartment were full of compliments and declarations (mostly from him). He's making plans for me.

It's very clear that he's on board; full steam ahead. I spent the last hour at his apartment convincing him that I had to go home. And no, I could not call in sick to work the next day.

But I did get my wish; I will be getting some V-day love. He's coming over to my place to make me dinner; I didn't want to deal with the hassle of making reservations. He asked me what kind of flowers I like, and I responded: "All of them."

My ever-constant analytical brain is still processing all of this. I'm trying to catch my brain up to the feelings that are swirling around.

Right now it feels good, and that's about all I know.


Anonymous said...

YES!!! And the honesty part is a bit overwhelming at first, but good for the long haul. William is notoriously honest about everything and has been since day one.

NotCarrie said...

Hey, at least it's cold out so the turtleneck doesn't seem odd;)

Anonymous said...

I am just surprised it was your first hickey ever. (insert devilish grin)

Eureka said...

Yo yo yo! Nice blog. Not that my opinion is ever taken seriously. I am an evil vacuum afterall...