Thursday, March 08, 2007

10 things

10 (true) things that not many people know about me:

1. Sometimes I brush my teeth in the shower.
2. I check my email before I go to the bathroom in the morning.
3. I LOVE to sing along to my iPod while I'm driving.
4. The most insightful comments I made in classes were often on days I hadn't done the reading.
5. For an English major, I hardly know anything about grammar rules.
6. Television characters often show up in my dreams.
7. I ALWAYS look at people's shoes.
8. I like to sit or stand in corners so that no one is behind me.
9. I know how to waltz, cha cha, fox trot and shag
10. I attended a summer camp for Norwegian people for 7 summers.


Anonymous said...

I knew 1, 4, 6 and 7! is that creepy? well i did live with you for a year :)

Anonymous said...

I check my email before I go to the bathroom in the morning, too, but there is usually nothing there because I check it before going to sleep, as well.

Anonymous said...

What does one do at Norwegian camp? :)

Ding, round two of the second half of the semester! It actually kinda feels like spring around here a wee bit!