Sunday, May 13, 2007

The horror, the horror.

It's always a bit awkward when you see someone from a certain part of your life out of context. This year I've run into students here or there off campus, but never too frequently. I saw two different students on two different match dates, and I saw another one in a grocery store late at night, who I promptly turned the corner to avoid.

But last night as I walked towards the bowling lane with TK, and Big D (first appearance on the blog as TK's new roommate), I saw a girl on the lane over wearing a pink windbreaker. She turned around, and lo and behold, it was one of my students from last fall. She looked horrified to see me there, and she promptly looked away, sat down and whispered vigorously to the guy she was with.

Mind you, she was not a student who did poorly in my class. In fact, I had very little interaction with her as I recall. I don't like to think of myself as a professor who deserves that kind of reaction when spotted in public, especially doing a harmless activity like bowling. It's not like she found me in a sex shop or something. Note to self: don't go into sex shops to avoid the very definition of an awkward encounter with a student.

It took her nearly 5 minutes to turn and look me in the eye to say "hi". When she finally did, I asked her how she was. She said, "good," and then started taking off her bowling shoes. They were at the end of their game mind you, but I have no idea if they had intended to leave before seeing me.

Man, I must be one scary professor.


Meredith said...

Of course not. She's an immature young lady who doesn't know how to handle herself with adults.

Anonymous said...

So true. So true. She probably just panicked at seeing you out of context and didn't have the social grace to cover nicely. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you and I could have the same awkward, wow-isn't-this-effed-up experience with a lovah from our past. Except we would most definitely ignore him!