Monday, February 05, 2007

Can I get a do-over?

I am bloody exhausted right now and I don't have the actual time to write what I might like to.

But I'm minutes away from bed, and I'm obsessing about a few things, which I know will keep me from sleep no matter how tired I am.

So I thought it was all worth a quick post as I might be "awake" for a bit anyway.


So, I had one of those days where everything goes to shit, even if it's in the smallest way.

The best laid plans... (you know the rest)

I started off my day by getting "delayed" in an elevator. Delayed in the sense that it literally stopped mid-floors and didn't move for around 3 minutes. I was thisclose to pushing the emergency button.

And as the other laura asked, no I was not with a hot male; I was alone. One does wish for a hot male to be present if being stuck in an elevator is on the agenda, however.

I had awkward/difficult/funny/infuriating moments in class, of which I will not speak.

I almost forgot about a council meeting I had. I remembered said council meeting, at which we obsessed over the syntax and word choice of 3 choice sentences. This took an hour and 40 minutes.

I met MD for coffee and a decompression session.

At this point, it was 3pm and I had not eaten anything since 6am (which had been only yogurt). I devoured a muffin.

I managed to get *some* work done on an assignment sheet after MD left (even though I had planned to do grading, work on my teaching portfolio, etc).

Then I left to pick up my mother at the airport who was flying in from Amsterdam. And yes, she went there to do something other than sightsee. In fact, she did not see many sights.

Her flight was delayed an hour. Hurry up and wait.

I collected my wild mama and finally ate something ~9pm

We visited for a bit, but then I left her at her friend's house so I could come home and finish my lesson plan.

Unfortunately when I attempted to turn around in the road my shiny new car's bumper *kissed* a mailbox.

Said shiny new car has a nice little scratch.

Cue incessant voice in head that says, "You f*cking idiot."

Where is the damn rewind button?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
