Friday, February 02, 2007

Match by the numbers

Days since I signed up…30

Times I’ve wondered whether or not it was a good idea…5

Number of times my profile has been viewed…688

Men who winked at me…22

I have winked at 32 men

113 emails received

Emails written…90

Men met…7

1 match guy spotted in public

Colleagues discovered...2

Times I’ve had a match date…8

Real life friends flirted with through match...1

3 coffee dates

4 meals eaten

Age of the man who last viewed my profile…52

63 match “connections”

Age of the youngest man who has contacted me…20

Times spotted by students on match dates…2

Number of second dates…1

3 hugs

Kisses on the cheek…1

1 movie watched

Length of the longest date…6 hours

Roses received…13

2 new men met this week

Number of dates planned this weekend…1

This is my 110th post


Unknown said...

B, you are dating machine! Hot woman coming through! :o)Glad you're having such good luck...I hope it brings you someone worth your time. :o)

Meredith said...

You are a hoot! I ditto what courtney said... hope it brings you great times with a "future-worthy" man!