Monday, April 02, 2007

How they found me

I have a SiteMeter for this page. It keeps track of how many hits my blog gets a day, as well as where my visitors come from. I can tell when someone checks my blog regularly but never comments (hello lurkers!), and I can tell whether or not someone found my page from a link on someone's page or came from a search engine.

Just for fun, I've been keeping track of some of the search terms that have brought people to my page. A lot of the time people find me by searching lyrics or song titles (since I use them quite often as post titles), but other times the search terms are really random.

Here's a selection from the past few months (in no particular order):

* Trespassers William
* what you do to the people you say you love
* miss almost miss maybe
* and the world spins madly on
* I broke his heart (aww)
* miss maybe
* sax “summer job” (at first I thought he found me)
* “law school” bc
* Budapest – finding prostitutes (one of my favorites!)
* the women are tall
* hate Velvet in Dupont (Such drama. I love her blog personally, even though she's on hiatus)
* love will come through, it’s just waiting for you (one of the most popular lyric searches)
* loneliness is a choice. so how about a cup of coffee? (yay for coffee, I say)
* blackberry brandy cold (mom's cold remedy!)
* Daughtry tour march 23 opening act Athenaeum


Anonymous said...

I think yr site meter is broken! wahahahahah....

Unknown said...

Too funny! Some people search for the silliest things on google!! :oP

Anonymous said...

I type in HOT TITS and here I am!