Sunday, September 09, 2007

And we all float on okay

This weekend is the calm before the storm. I'm working all three jobs now, and things are really going to pick up next week. When I had the chance to drop my weekend hours for the online tutoring company I work for, I jumped at it. I wanted some time to be a vegetable since I know I'll have very little of it in the future unless I'm being blatantly neglectful of my duties. That's probably my least favorite thing about teaching - the guilt. I feel so guilty when I don't feel like responding to students' emails right away or when I let papers sit for a while. I get over it though, I suppose. Ha.

In my last post I wrote about how there was no furniture in my office at school. It took a lot longer than expected as we just got furniture in there last Thursday. I didn't see the furniture until Friday, and when I finally saw it four out of the six desks had already been claimed. I felt like I was on an episode of The Real World, and I was getting stuck with the worst room. We're still waiting on new chairs, so in the meantime I have the worst chair as well.

The only saving grace was that I happened to be there when the guys from the IT department came to piece together computers for all of us. Since I was there I got better pieces. Office politics are funny.

In other news, last weekend TK and I spent a night at my parent's place the night before we followed them down to Atlanta for a Mets - Braves game. We've been trying to spend more time with my parents since we see TK's parents so much more frequently (they live closer). It was the longest road trip we've taken and TK's first Major League Baseball game. We had a blast, especially since the Mets won. Our night in the hotel was a treat too. Check out the Hampton in if you're looking for a hotel. They have newly designed beds that are super comfy. It was the most comfortable hotel bed I've ever slept in, which says a lot coming from the girl who has a sleep number!

It was just nice to have a mini-getaway for the holiday weekend. Coordinating mine and TK's schedule is no easy feat. He's working today, but I'm enjoying my Sunday nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are settling in! It's much of the same situation here. :) I'm jealous of the road trip!